Concord Car Accident Lawyer

A car accident can turn your life upside down in the flash of an eye. It only takes a fraction of a second for a serious car wreck to occur – but the consequences can stay with you for the rest of your life. Depending on the accident, these consequences could include permanent disability, chronic pain, lost wages, and costly medical bills. If you or your spouse was injured in a car accident in Concord, or if you lost a family member in a fatal wreck, the compassionate Concord personal injury lawyers of Dewey, Ramsay & Hunt, P.A. can fight to recover the maximum compensation.

At Dewey, Ramsay & Hunt, P.A., our attorneys have over 30 years of experience filing car accident claims in North Carolina. We represent crash survivors and the surviving loved ones of wrongful death victims against careless drivers and insurance companies who seek to avoid justice. If you were injured or lost a family member, our firm can help you understand your legal options while working to hold the other driver accountable.

Concord Car Accident Law

For a free consultation about filing a car accident injury claim, contact our Concord accident lawyers online, or call Dewey, Ramsay & Hunt, P.A. at (704) 377-3737 today.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in NC

According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, nearly 267,500 accidents took place statewide during 2016. These wrecks were collectively responsible for more than 130,000 injuries and over 1,400 deaths.

These statistics, which were published in the North Carolina DMV’s 2016 Traffic Crash Facts report, also include accident data for specific cities. This data shows that in 2016, there were 3,373 car accidents in Concord, NC, resulting in five fatalities and nearly 1,400 injuries.

Statewide, over 11,200 crashes involved alcohol. More than 54,000 accidents involved distracted driving, and nearly 90,000 accidents involved speeding. Among the car wrecks that took place in Concord, 102 (3%) involved alcohol – including four of the five deadly crashes recorded in Concord that year. Other common crash factors in North Carolina included:

  • Being distracted by texting or smartphone apps
  • Driving errors like overcorrecting
  • Driving in the wrong lane
  • Driving too fast for conditions
  • Driving while under the influence of drugs
  • Failing to reduce speed
  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Following too closely (tailgating)
  • Making improper turns
  • Making right turns on red
  • Not paying attention to the road
  • Running a red light
  • Running a stop sign
  • Using defective equipment or parts

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Car Accident Settlements and Injury Compensation

Statistics show that distracted driving, driving while intoxicated, and excessive speeding are major causes of, or contributing factors to, auto accidents in North Carolina. Statistics also show that in 2016 alone, a total of 12,445 accidents – a daily average of about 34 crashes – were attributed to drivers who “operated [a] vehicle in [an] erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner.” Among these wrecks, a total of 289 (2.3%) were fatal, while 5,577 (44.9%) resulted in injuries. To phrase this data another way, one in 20 accidents were fatal when negligence or recklessness were crash factors, while nearly half caused drivers or passengers to sustain injuries.

This information is significant for car accident victims, because proving negligence is a key step in the process of obtaining compensation. North Carolina is an at “fault” state when it comes to auto insurance and accident liability, which means that in order to recover financially, you must prove the other driver was at fault for the collision. A Concord car accident injury lawyer from Dewey, Ramsay & Hunt, P.A. can gather and analyze critical evidence – such as medical records, eyewitness testimony, and accident photography or surveillance footage – to show how the other driver’s actions led to your injuries.

Most car accident claims are resolved through settlements, which are out-of-court agreements between the parties involved. However, if the insurance company is unwilling to meet your demands or extend a reasonable offer, our trial attorneys will be prepared for aggressive litigation. Other than helping you achieve a sense of closure and resolution, our goal is to obtain the greatest amount of compensation possible. Compensation, or “damages,” available in a North Carolina car accident case may include:

  • Lost income and earnings
  • Medical bills, including treatment you’re expected to need in the future (such as surgeries, rehabilitative care, doctor appointments, medication, or prosthetic limbs)
  • Pain and suffering
  • Vehicle damage and repair costs

Concord Car Accident Attorneys Can File Your Claim

As crash injury lawyers with over three decades of experience, our team has worked on cases involving virtually every injury that can result from an automotive accident. If you or your loved one suffered any of the following injuries or complications after being in a car crash, we may be able to help you file a claim for compensation:

  • Broken bones
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Eye injuries and vision loss
  • Hearing loss
  • Internal bleeding
  • Neck injuries, such as whiplash
  • Puncture wounds
  • Wrongful death
  • Burn injuries or permanent scarring
  • Soft tissue injuries, like sprains and strains
  • Head and brain injuries, including concussions
  • Catastrophic injuries, such as amputation of a limb
  • Chest and abdominal injuries caused by seat belts
  • Crush injuries from being trapped beneath wreckage
  • Joint injuries (ankles, knees, hips, elbows, shoulders)
  • Back injuries, spinal injuries, and paralysis

At Dewey, Ramsay & Hunt, P.A., we have built a reputation for providing the hard-hitting representation that accident victims need and deserve. The strength of our methods is clear from our track record, which includes hundreds of successful car accident settlements.

To talk about your legal options confidentially in a free consultation, contact our Concord auto accident attorneys online, or call Dewey, Ramsay & Hunt, P.A. at (704) 377-3737.

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